Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to the world, Olivia!

And the waiting is officially over J Olivia has arrived! December 23rd was quite a day for Adam & me. My day started at 4:50 am when I was awakened by a stomach ache… wait a second – is this a stomach ache? Or could I actually be having contractions? I didn’t believe it just yet, so lucky for Adam, I decided to be nice and not wake him – just in case it was a false alarm. I went downstairs, turned on my contraction timer app on my phone, paced around the kitchen, got on my computer frantically looking up what contractions felt like, and started timing my contractions. 5 minutes apart for 1-2 hours – call the doctor. Those were the doctor’s orders. Ok – I think it’s time to wake Adam. At this point it was 6am. “Adam – wake up – I think I’m having contractions.” That sure woke him up. We called the doctor, I told them what I was feeling, and to the hospital we went. They hooked me up to a contraction monitor and of course, just then, the contractions started to slow down. As we watched the contraction monitor, we thought for sure they would be sending us home… Maybe it was just a false alarm – Braxton Hicks contractions. Adam and I were mentally preparing to go back home to Sasha. They checked me for dilation and I was 2 cm dilated. The week before I had been 1. Well – I guess once the doctor heard that my dilation had progressed, they decided to keep me. December 23, 2013, would be Olivia’s birthday.

Adam and I couldn’t believe it. Off we went to the labor and delivery room. The texts and phone calls to our family and friends began. We were beaming with excitement and disbelief. As the hour went on (it was about 10 am at this point) my contractions started to get worse. It was time for it – the epidural. At this point I was almost crying in pain from the contractions. I did not like that needle going into my back (the one that delivered the epidural). Little did I know that little needle would be my new best friend. I know many people don’t believe in epidurals. I think it’s amazing that women are able to go through labor without it. Perhaps I just have a low pain tolerance, but let me tell you, once that epidural kicked in, I felt great. Well – I say “felt” great, but really, I didn’t “feel” anything (get it?) J After that, it was waiting time. Being in labor is interesting. I always pictured – contractions, go to hospital, water breaks, start pushing out baby. It is so very different from that. After the epidural, we just hung out all day.

It was nice alone time actually. We watched HGTV, listened to music, and played a game: let me guess if I’m having a contraction (Adam could see them on the monitor). Norma, our nurse, gave me a popsicle – possibly the highlight of my day (minus the meeting the baby part). I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before.

Then, around 4pm, it was finally time – time to PUSH. We were about an hour away from meeting Olivia.

Pushing when you can’t feel what you are pushing, is very interesting. However, with the moral support of Adam and Norma, somehow I only ended up having to push for about 45 minutes. Apparently that’s good. As the matter of fact, it took so little time to push that Olivia had to wait in the birth canal for the doctor to come in. He was held up in clinic. Once he arrived, a few more minutes of pushing and there she was! The little nugget that we had been waiting to meet for 10 months was in my arms. Just like that, we are parents.

Once we did a little skin to skin, they took Olivia to the other side of the room to clean her off and weigh her. Adam came over to me and said “You’re not going to believe this. Guess what she weighs.” I stuck to my guess of 7 lbs. 4 oz. Well – I was way off. Somehow this little human I’ve been carrying around was 8 lbs. 9 oz. No wonder I had so much back pain during pregnancy.

We spent the next 2 days in the hospital getting to know little Olivia and learning from the nurses and lactation specialists all we could learn before bringing her home. 

Time to go home!

Now it’s been a little over a week and we are adjusting to life as a family. Sasha has needed the most time to adjust and she thanks her personal trainer, Joel Ross, for her new and improved behavior. She is doing great with the baby (which is quite the contrary from when we first brought her home) and Sasha is a very protective, loving big sister.

As for Adam & me, we are learning to function on very little sleep and we are also learning that we have never loved anything so much in our lives. Adam has been the absolute best (not that I’m surprised). The second morning we were home, I came downstairs to a fridge full of food, two dozen roses, and my favorite ice cream that I couldn’t eat during pregnancy, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!!!! What a guy :)

Most importantly, he has been taking such good care of me and is the cutest dad to Olivia. I couldn’t be luckier for my wonderful little family.

On December 23, 2013, at 6:04 pm, our lives changed forever. My camera roll is already filled with millions of pictures because I know this time will go way too fast. Thank you so much to everyone for all of the calls, texts, and messages. We appreciate everyone’s love and thoughts during this very special time. Thanks Mom & Dad for helping us out the first week!!! xoxo

So I’ll leave you with some pictures from my camera roll this week…

                                                                Olivia in the hospital

                                                                      Sleeping beauty

Mommy & Daughter
                                                                   The cutest Dad

Can't get enough of her!
                                                         Saints fan in the making?
            She loved her 1 week old photoshoot (notice Sasha watching over her)

                                                           It went a little better later... :)

That face!

Sasha sleeping on Olivia's blanket

Olivia's first playdate with Charlotte!

Too precious!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

2 days to go!

As I wait ... and wait... and wait... and wait... for little Olivia to make her appearance, I figured I would finally start something I've been wanting to start for a long time.. a blog! Since we are far from many of our dearest family and friends, I thought that this would be a nice outlet to share our experience as new parents through pictures, videos, and stories of Olivia.

Speaking of the little nugget, she must be very comfortable in my belly. I wonder if she knows that as much as I love her (already) very dearly, I do not love the lower back pain that she is causing (not on purpose, of course), nor do I love waking up 17 times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom only to return to the bed to sleep on my side (I am a stomach sleeper). Yes, I know, I know - the bathroom trips that keep me up at night are preparing me for the many, many, sleepless nights ahead of me.

Speaking of sleep, every morning for the past week I've woken up, turned to Adam and said, "I hope you appreciated your sleep last night because that's the last night of sleep you're going to get for a longggg time." Well - so far, I haven't exactly been right, but maybe, just maybe, this morning was the last time I'll say that!

Waiting is such a funny thing. You are pregnant for 10 months and once you get through the nausea (which for me took many months) - and the just feeling "bloated" - you start really feeling pregnant and realizing the enormity of bringing a child into the world, being a parent, and just how much life will change. As the months have gone by, I wonder what she will look like, what she will be like, if I'll be a good mom, what headband I will put on her first... :)

And now, 2 days away from my due date, of course, I analyze every movement in my body, wondering if it's a contraction, but knowing that I will know as soon as those start. I think about labor and if I will make it through (everyone does it, so I can too, right?)... and more importantly, wondering if Adam will make it through. He is in the operating room all day every day, yet when I talk to him about my labor, he seems to be more freaked out than I am. (Sorry Adam - these are our family and friends reading this - they still think you're tough). Let's only hope that he doesn't end up in the hospital bed next to me. Good thing my mom drives fast because I might need my parents to speed down 95 to support my husband through the delivery :)

So the waiting continues. I will go to my Barre class this morning, hoping that the exercise will bring on some contractions, and grateful that it will provide some distraction from all of the waiting... at least for the hour I'm there. I know what you're thinking - "appreciate the time you have now because your life is about to change." Easier said than done, people. I have appreciated my alone time as much as I'm going to at this point and I am ready to meet my baby... as ready as I can be.

In my next post I hope to be introducing Olivia to all of you, and until then, I will continue dreaming about her - this little being that I love so much already.

Our pregnancy journey through pictures...